Mill City Red Kit
The basic idea for the Red Kit was simple: design a portable home toolkit that not only facilitates the repair of the home, but also the products inside. By doing so, homeowners would be empowered to maintain their clothes, electronics, and general home goods, rather than replacing them when they break. This direction not only benefits the homeowner financially, but it enables a more sustainable lifestyle as well
Due to the housing crisis
the average home is aging
$4 billion dollars
of revenue generated by the resale industry
Current home toolkits repair
only one aspect of the home
Market Research
Current starter home toolkits are essentially all the same. They contain cheaply made basic tools such as a hammer, plyers, screw drivers, and wrenches. All wrapped up in a PLA clamshell case.
Sketch Models
Physical experimentation focusing on how modular design could be appropriately implemented.
Final Design
The Mill City Red Kit Features tools for every occasion including sewing, electrical, and basic home repair.