Osso Wearable Vital Sign Monitor
Clinicians rely on real time data to make rapid decisions when aiding a patient, yet often times the monitors they rely on make their jobs harder. Dubbed "monitor fatigue", between indistinguishable sounds, dated displays and challenging cable management, clinicians are in dire need of relief.
How might we design a vital sign monitor that is easy to read and manage?
Vital Monitor Market Landscape
Digging into the market landscape, I discovered that the bulk of vital sign monitors relied on stationary placement, making patient transit a challenge. On the other end, consumer electronics have made leaps and bounds in terms of allowing users to collect bio-metric data.
Despite these advances, as far as technology goes, we are a ways away from making a smart watch-sized monitor. However, I discovered an opportunity - what if a vital sign monitor were attached to the patient? This would allow for improved transit and reduce false alarms when the patient moves in bed.
Through ideation, I began exploring the concept of a rectilinear form, each corner representing one of the form common vital signs, blood pressure, respiratory rate, heart rate, and blood oxygen levels.
By leaning into these quadrants, I could design a system in which clinicians could memorize which corner represented which vital sign, allowing them to quickly assess a patients condition across the room.